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3rd April 2024

Categories CAC News Donations

For the October Global Awareness Month for Breast Cancer, CAC have collaborated with Breast Cancer UK to support their mission: to prevent breast cancer through education, scientific research, collaboration, and policy change. All profits from every pink (the BC awareness colour) item of CAC gear have been added to £5,000 from CAC’s charity funds and topped up by sales of a special collaborative CAC/BMC T-Shirt from The British Mountaineering Council (The BMC) and supported by Ultra Distance Runner Nicky Spinks with her 30 Day Challenge. Altogether, we raised £6,747 for this important cause and made the donation at The Climbing Works International Festival (CWIF). Breast Cancer UK CEO Thalie Martini was on hand at CWIF to receive the cheque from The BMC’s Steve McClure and CAC Ambassador Andy Dodd, and to see first hand how engaged and supportive the climbing community is in support of CAC and this campaign.


Support from the International Climbing Community was reinforced with the help of climbing superstars Alex Megos and Sean McColl and CAC Advisor, Anita Aggarwal.

CAC is thrilled that these funds are going to support the seed funding of early stage research into prevention of breast cancer which is the leading cause of this disease in UK.

Special thanks also to The BMC for the great collaboration – demonstrating the strength of the climbing community, and what can be achieved when we all work together. Here’s the Collaborative T-Shirt being modelled by BMC Ambassador Steve McClure.