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2020 Donation to Korea

3rd September 2020

During 2020 we donated £25,000.00 to the National cancer centre in Korea.   We wanted to say thank you as it is all your amazing efforts that make these donations possible.   Due to the global situation we have only done the one this year but hopefully we will be back to doing more in…

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Donation to Korea.

13th June 2020

We wanted to let you know about our upcoming donation.   We may not be able to get out and attend events or even go to the climbing walls but we are still doing what we do best!   We are giving your money away to the people who can make a difference in the…

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Still hanging on

27th April 2020

Just to let you know we are still hanging in there!   We are on track to be making the first donation of 2020 very soon.   Watch this space for upcoming news........   In the meantime, stay home and stay safe. We will all be back out there soon :)   #donations #cancersucks #keepclimbing…

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Active isolation challenge

30th March 2020

Calling All Climbers! Last weekend would have been our 2nd 'Mountain March Challenge' - a weekend of climbing vertical meters to raise money for the research into Cancer.  Last year, hundreds of you all around the globe, took part and made it a great, fun weekend. Unfortunately, due to the current situation we couldn't run…

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Two more donations

22nd August 2019

CAC are proud to announce that we have made not one but two donations at the opening ceremony of the IFSC World Championships in Arco, Italy yesterday ( Friday 22nd August) The cheques were presented by CAC supporter Helmut Knabl and the funds were given to both the IFOM Institute of Molecular Oncology and to the…

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How the donation is being used

2nd July 2019

In October 2018 Climbers Against Cancer made a £25,000.00 donation to the Cancer Council of Australia. The donation was organised for us by Australian ambassador Caitlin Horan and Chris Zaia handed over the cheque. We like to know what the money is being used for so we were really pleased to get these certificates in…

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The first donation of 2019

4th June 2019

The IFSC Bouldering world cup takes place this weekend in Vail, Colorado. The event will also host CAC's first donation of 2019. We will be donating £25,000.00 to the Cancer Research Institute. The cheque will be handed over by head of delegation for Belgium and Punksetter founder, Marco Jubes and UKC editor and one of…

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A thank you

16th January 2019

As I feel sure you already know if you are reading this .. We donate the money that is raised , be it from selling our lovely colourful CAC tees and the other goodies or from your amazing and intrepid exploits and fundraising. This money is donated to cancer research centres all around the world.…

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2018 and 2019

4th December 2018

Well what a year 2018 has been.   We kicked it off with a visit to Sheffield to attend the CWIF and we had a great time and chatted to lots of lovely folk. Next was a £25,000.00 donation to the Swiss cancer research foundation. The presentation was held at the  UIAA Ice climbing event at…

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Kendal Mountain Festival

19th November 2018

What an amazing weekend we have had. We took the Climbers Against Cancer stand to the Kendal Mountain festival where we launched the brand new tee shirts which are a collaboration between CAC and 3rd Rock, They will be available on the website soon. We had some hard working volunteers including Jared Waywell and Anna…

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Happy Birthday to Richard

14th November 2018

We are fortunate enough to have lots of lovey supporters the world over.  Recently one such supporter Richard Buehler celebrated his 60th birthday in style. Richard invited all his family and friends to join him and to show their support for CAC by wearing CAC colours. The charity is very close to Richards heart as…

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Donation in Australia

17th October 2018

We are pleased to announce that we will be making another donation this weekend. This will be the third donation this year taking the total so far up to £75,000.00 for the year. The donation of £25,000.00 will be going to the Cancer Council of Australia, this is the same organisation that the first Climbers…

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